0104 – Assist High-Intensity Daily Personal Activities

In the case of high medical requirements, we are able to provide high-intensity daily personal activity support through our expert specialised workers like nurses and medical technicians. We are able to help where active support is demanded. This includes:

  • Respiratory support or tracheostomy care
  • Enteral (Naso-Gastric Tube – Jejunum or Duodenum) feeding and management
  • PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) feeding and management
  • Tracheostomy management
  • Urinary Catheter Insertion and management (in-dwelling Urinary Catheter, Intermittent Catheter)
  • Suprapubic catheter management
  • Severe dysphagia management
  • Complex wound management
  • Subcutaneous and Intramuscular injections
  • Complex bowel care
  • Challenging behaviour that requires frequent intensive positive behaviour to manage appropriately.
  • And any other high intensity supports

0106 – Assist Life Stage Transition

We are also able to provide assistance in easy transition from different stages of life and handle major life shifts with ease. Starting from joining school, changing school, ending school life, selling off the old home, buying a new one at a new location, adjusting to a new living situation, leaving home, getting to a supported accommodation and getting around the community.

We assist the participants in planning for the chance and include short and long-term support; before, during and after the transition. This may include development of strategies for coping with the stress that the transition can cause. We take a fully customised approach for each participant, considering their abilities, strong and weak points. And this customised approach of our experts offering life state transition assistance helps the participants achieve their long and short-term goals. We provide preparation of daily, weekly, and other long-term schedules, which will ensure the participant is able to meet the life stage transition goals, as a result of our life state transition assistance. This includes:

  • Support Connection

    Priority care provides assistance for the participants to implement their plan by strengthening the ability to connect with the broader systems of support and help them understand the purpose of the funded support and help them participate in the community. We will assist them to understand the aspects of the plan, assist them with ongoing management of support and answer their question as it arises.

  • Coordination of supports

    We will provide the further qualification/experience that is required to strengthen a participant’s ability to design and build their support, with an emphasis on the usage of a mix of other supports across a complex service delivery environment. Coordination of support focuses on supporting participants to oversee their lives and not just their services. This may include resolving points of crisis and developing resilience in the participant’s network.

  • Assistance with decision making, daily planning, budgeting

    Some of the support we provide includes the preparation of schedules – daily, weekly and/or long-term. This will ensure that the support being provided is fulfilling each of a participant’s life stages transition goals. We also assist in the budgeting process so that the expenses are planned for and paid on time or by the due dates.

  • Assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations

    We provide assistance to our clients with accommodation and tenancy obligations, from taking good care of the property to the payment of agreed rent on time. We will help you meet your everyday needs and live an independent life in a safe and secure house located close to the amenities like public transport, grocery shops, medical facilities, etc.

0107 – Assist Personal Activities

Priority Care and our support services staff will take responsibility to assist you with your personal hygiene/grooming activities such as showering, oral hygiene and getting dressed for the day to ensure that you live an exciting and healthy lifestyle. We will also assist you with eating and drinking, mobility to get in/out of bed and around your home and also with incontinence – bowel and bladder management. Furthermore, we will accompany you to your weekly or monthly medical, allied health, social, employment, educational, sporting, holidays, and other appointments.

0108 – Assist Travel/Transport

With our travel/ transport assistance, we provide support to our participants who might be unable to use the public transport because of their disability. Our travel/transport assistance team consists of staff who have a valid driving licence and who have had their police background checks done. We will assist in organising a taxi and a special transport arrangement of daily and weekly trips for you to drive from one place to another for occasions like meetings or appointments and will also take you back home after you are done. Along with this we will have our support staff along with you who will be accompanying and escorting you. In this way we ensure a safe and a convenient transportation to help you get around to school, work, shops, groceries, visit to doctors or also any social outings.

0114 – Community Nursing Care

We offer our community nursing care services with compassion and care which is delivered to you at the comfort of your home. If you have complex health needs that require regular help from a medical professional, our community nursing care service will be the right choice for you to help you in every step. Our community nursing team is ready to assist you with everything from complete health assessment and implanting care and support plans, right from the medication administration to palliative care. This includes:

  • Assistance in wound care and management
  • Developing and implementing care and support plans
  • Medication administration and review
  • Palliative care management

0115 – Daily Tasks/Shared Living

To meet the unique individual need, our team of experts will be using their customised approach to help you in your everyday tasks considering your needs, likes and dislikes. We provide support for self-care and hygiene like showering, grooming and using the toilet, getting ready for the day and exercising. Our support team can also help you in planning and preparing meals and providing assistance while eating.

Team support will be available up to 24 hours per day, for 7 days per week, depending on the participant’s approved funding. The main aim of Daily Tasks/Shared Living assistance is to help you in daily activities in a shared living environment to help you to participate with ease manage your limitations and lead an independent life with dignity and self-respect. Our support includes:

  • Customised assistance in daily tasks for an independent livelihood
  • Supporting in self-care, and general household duties within the premises of a residency
  • One on one association with the caregiver
  • Administering medication as per your medication profile
  • Organising medical and health-related appointment

0117 – Life Skills Development

With our life skills development support you will be getting training based on the learning capacity which will help you to live autonomously as possible. Training will be customised based on the needs and may include skills like communication and interaction with people in social settings. The main aim of this service is to make you self-supported and independent. Our support staff will help in developing the essential skills and will also go above and beyond to offer you tips and guidelines with which you can perform complex tasks in a simple manner.

0120 – Household Tasks

Through our household tasks assistance support, we assist you with maintaining your living environment on a regular basis by keeping it clean and healthy as well as safe and secure. Along with cooking, cleaning and regular laundry, we also help in maintaining your gardening and lawn mowing. This includes:

  • Planning and preparing your healthy nutritious meals and dish washing
  • Laundry at home along with drying and ironing
  • Shopping groceries at the local market
  • Gardening and lawn mowing
  • Cleaning of kitchen, bathroom, toilet, bedroom and living areas
  • Occasional deep cleaning of stoves, fridges, ovens, microwaves, etc.
  • Dusting, vacuuming and floor mopping
  • Meeting doctors and other fulfilling other appointments
Priority Care Assisting

0125 – Assist- Community Participation

We understand the importance of having fun in life. We will assist you to engage in various community activities that are crucial in maintaining our health and well-being and leading a happy life. From making new friends to visiting new places, our support is with you. Our support staff can accompany you to sporting activities, exercising at the gym, hobby activities, visit the malls, salons, shopping, etc. Our staff is by your side to provide necessary aid so you can have quality time doing what you love. We know the need and the benefits of social life and thus we provide support so you don’t miss out on opportunities to form connections with people in the community, get engaged in society and stay social. This support includes:

  • Help you access places of community like libraries, shopping malls, cinema, parks, etc.
  • Assist you in engaging in special excursions and trips
  • Assist you in meeting new people and also in family catch ups
  • Help you in developing social networks and in maintaining social life

0136 – Group/Centre Activities

We aim to empower you by conducting a wide array of group and centre based activities around the cities to provide you with an exciting and a fulfilling experience which can also boost your self-confidence. We have occasional get together, sports activities, and other fun activities.
Group activities are run under the supervision of our highly qualified staff with the help of whom you could be assured of safety while getting engaged with others in a group.

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